Executive Coaching


Executive coaching is a one-on-one process when an individual steps out of the whirlwind of daily challenges to discuss and strategize their relationship with their job and careers. It is a self-driven process where the individual creates their goals and action items. The coach provides a sounding board, challenges thinking, addresses barriers and adds accountability. Benefits can include fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence.

Coaching can take place in person, via Skype, or on the phone.

Coaching is best used to increase effectiveness of top performers.

Harvard Business Review published the following:

“… coaching was once viewed by many as a tool to help correct underperformance, today it is becoming much more widely used in supporting top producers. In fact, in a 2004 survey by Right Management Consultants (Philadelphia), 86 percent of companies said they used coaching to sharpen the skills of individuals who have been identified as future organizational leaders.”

HBR 2005 Paul Michelman

What people have to say about our program:
What I learned in our weekly sessions help me to gain the confidence I needed. I learned not to react to situations, but to stay calm and analyze it with a cool head.
Nathalie T.
Coaching Client
A great session. This was one of the best that I have seen.
Bryon Borosky
VP Materials, Insulectro
Absolutely great event. You are good!
Gary Smith
VP Americas, Autodesk
The program went very well. He is the perfect facilitator.
Julie Friedman
Project manager, Genentech
I left aware of new 'tools' in my personal toolbox and fortified to use them in the service of achieving my goals. His inputs were always right on the money!
Michael G.
Coaching Client